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Working from home isn’t always the dreamy fantasy we imagine in our minds.

Corona is not the funniest of times. Yes, it’s great to roll out of bed and step 5 feet into your “office” But you also face succumbing to cabin fever. Feeling isolated, distracted, unmotivated, and really, really hungry are all normal feelings when working from home. 

It’s important to set boundaries to mimic a similar environment to working in your actual office and if your not working find ways to still socialise and collaborate and stay creative!

 Working from home requires tons of self-discipline and creativity when it comes to maintaining your productivity levels. Otherwise, you might start to feel trapped and maybe even a little bit craAaAzzZyYyyyY. 

Here’s how to avoid cabin fever when working from home:

1. Don’t work from your bed

Seems like a no-brainer, right? But once you’re put in the position where you have the choice to work in your comfy, cozy bed, it’s hard to resist. Make sure you set up your workstation at a table or on a counter somewhere other than your bed. Otherwise, you’ll be taking cat naps all day long. 

2. Take exercise breaks

Whatever you do, don’t become a blob when you work from home. Sitting is terrible for your health, and it’s easy to become glued to your seat once you get in a groove. Get up to stretch your legs, do some jumping jacks, or walk the dog. 

3. Become a plant mom

Not only are little succulents adorable, they also make us happier. Studies have shown that indoor plants can reduce stress, boost your mood, and improve your concentration and productivity by up to 15 percent.

4. Most importantly, use what you have! 

Stay creative at home and make use of the time we have off, use the tools and what you have around you! boycott big brands and support locally as well as get involved with the community.  Inhabited will allow you to rethink things differently and see "waste" in a different light.

How to avoid cabin fever and stay productive and embrace creativity with inhabited: Press
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